
Pastry Filling

  • 175g plain flour
  • 110g cold salted butter
  • Cold water to bind


  • 350ml double cream
  • 4 free range eggs
  • 225g Comte
  • Nutmeg to taste
  • Paprika to taste
  • Salt & pepper


  1. Combine the flour and cold butter in a food processor and add enough cold water to bind the dough. Wrap
    the pastry in cling film and chill whilst you are making the filling.
  2. Beat the eggs lightly and stir in the cream. Grate in the cheese and season with nutmeg, paprika, salt &
    pepper to taste.
  3. Roll the pastry (not too thinly) out between two sheets of cling film and line a 9 inch pie dish.
  4. Preheat the oven to 200ºC/400ºF/Gas 6.
  5. Pour in the mix and bake for 15 minutes and then turn the heat down to 160ºC/325ºF/Gas 3 for another 15
  6. Remove from the oven and allow to cool slightly to firm up before removing from the tin.

Red Onion Marmalade

  • 25g butter
  • 2 red onions finely sliced
  • 3-4 tsp water
  • 4 tsp red wine vinegar
  • 50g soft dark brown sugar
  • Freshly ground pepper


  1. For the marmalade melt the butter and add all the ingredients except the pepper.
  2. Cook for 15-20 minutes till the onions are soft and the mix is thickened.
  3. Season with the pepper.

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